My new bodyguard gay romance NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS is live on Amazon and KU!
Britain's Prime Minister Mathias Parker, 28, is smart, sophisticated, and sexy as hell. Police Sergeant Daniel Kent, 36, is the PM's bodyguard. But not for much longer: Daniel has decided to quit. Because Mathias isn't the obnoxious prat Daniel expected, but the sweetest man he has ever met. And because their intimate nightly encounters aren't simply recreational, as he's been trying to convince himself. For Daniel at least, they've come to mean something so much more--something that cannot be...
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS is a Contemporary Gay Romance set in an alternate Britain at some point in the not-so-distant future containing a bodyguard caught between duty and love, the hottest prime minister in British history, major mischief after hours in in 10 Downing Street, heartbreak and disaster, and a happy ending. 18 plus!
Here's a little peek into New Year's Eve at 10 Downing Street. Daniel hasn't yet told Mathias he's going to quit...
Mattie takes a step forward, tentatively. “What if you let me take care of you for a bit?”
He smiles up at me and reaches for my hand. It’s a small, almost shy gesture. But I know what he wants.
He wants to take me to the couch, and then to seventh heaven.
I can’t tell him I’ll quit. Fuck, I can’t do it. Not now.
Instead, I’m going to do what he wants, what I want. I’m going to steal another half hour of happiness.
Hell, am I really doing this, putting off the inevitable? Why can’t I be strong? I’ve always believed I was; I’m at two hundred and twenty pounds and can bench-press the same weight. Shouldn’t that count for something?
But all my muscle seems to suddenly have turned to jelly.
A small, smug smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. Rising up on tiptoe, he leans in to meet me for a kiss. And I bend down to him, like a puppet drawn by strings, and let my mouth find his.
His lips and tongue feel so good, like the ultimate answer and at the same time the promise of more.
My reaction is as urgent as it’s predictable. He chuckles into the kiss, then breaks it. Still holding my hand, he leads me over to the couch and gently pushes me down. With his gaze trained to mine, he goes down on his knees in front of me. When he touches my thigh, I close my eyes, shivering.
One last time.